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Category: On Writing

My Editing Checklist

February 20, 2024 by in On Writing

Most writing advice focuses on the “creative” side of storytelling – coming up with quirky characters, building strange new worlds, devising problems for your heroes to solve. But I also find something so satisfying about the editing process, which generally gets less love. Sometimes it’s the “aha” moment when you […]

The Best Writing Guides

January 14, 2024 by in On Writing

January is the time of year when I’m most in need of a little encouragement and inspiration. It’s also when I try to purge and organize my house.  While paring down my too-crowded library, I recently realized just how many books of writing advice I’d amassed (Don’t ask; Marie Kondo […]

Cozy, Hopeful, Funny Fantasy & SciFi

August 10, 2023 by in On Books

Life is tough — that’s why I tend to gravitate toward fiction that’s hopeful. It’s not that I’m deluding myself into thinking everything is rosy; more like I’m gathering strength for the next challenge, reminding myself why the struggle is worth it.   But sometimes, particularly with short fiction, it can […]

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